Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In Defense of Obama...

Obama is the best MAINSTREAM candidate. I personally hope he sweeps the MAINSTREAM race. And honestly, he does have grass roots support. People really believe in him and I have tremendous respect for that.

And there is something to be said for a candidate who can have Rosner go to town on him. Check it out and you'll understand what I'm talking about.


Neighborhood Watch

This program being pushed by Mayor O'Reilly will be what the citizens make of it. If they opt to make their city a literal police state, so be it. If they use this constructively, this program can actually be helpful.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why Nader is Important

Today Ralph Nader appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" and declared his candidacy for the presidency of the United States.

I must admit I'm a bit excited as it seems all the principled candidates seem to be all but off the radar for now. So some of you are thinking, "Hey isn't the media telling me that I should hate Ralph Nader since he was the spoiler in the 2000 election?"

Although Nader discussed that issue during his interview which I urge you all to watch, that question is exactly what the big parties want you to think. The truth is Al Gore, not Nader, lost himself the 2000 election for a variety of reasons. It seems the progressive and substantive Gore only came out after his advisers stopped choreographing when he would have a bowel movement. Anyway, Gore stands for a lot more now than he did in 2000 (remember his neo-con VP?)

Why Nader and not Barack?

Obama is also shunning any progressive approach to foreign policy concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For example, in his letter to the UN ambassador he endorsed the destruction and siege of Gaza. Even the Bush administration has privately raised some concern over the starvation of Gaza. But anyway, decide for yourself, here's the link to the actual letter (Nader alluded to this today in his interview with Russert)


What about domestic issues? As many of you know Nader has spent his entire life as a consumer rights advocate and is best fit to fight the ferocious onslaught of corporate control over our daily lives. I'm not endorsing Nader at this point, but instead just telling you why he's the man. As the democrats begin to stifle debate and democracy, just keep in mind how important third parties have been throughout US history particularly in abolishing slavery, giving women the right to vote, and numerous other important advances in our country.

Also consider the fact that the Democrats have done NOTHING since taking control of both houses of congress. Remember all that fancy talk of ending that war they seem to have forgotten about...you know that one in Iraq? As the democratic congress busies itself with USELESS hearings on the usage of drugs in baseball, we must remember that there are real issues out there not being addressed by either party.

Decide yourself: http://www.nader08.com/

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Nasrallah: Israel is Readying for Another War

He did it again, the often referred to ‘Leader’, ‘head’, ‘chief’, Hezbollah secretary-general made the headlines in news sources worldwide.

What interested me the most was an article that was published in Haaretz, a newspaper that was once named “Israel’s liberal beacon” by The Nation. Shortly after yesterdays charged speech, Haaretz Arab affairs correspondent Yoav Stern wrote an erroneous article headlined “Nasrallah: We’re readying for war with Israel within months,” attributing a false allegation against Israel’s popular, ardent and much feared foe.

Readers of that headline are falsely led to believe that it is Nasrallah that is preparing and threatening to wage war against Israel, only the opposite is true. It is clearly evident to anyone who listens to Nasrallah’s speech, that he says, and I quote Yediot Ahranot, “The Hajj Imad Mugniyah was killed in the framework of an open war and in an unprecedented step through which Israel is preparing a new war. I don’t wish to scare anyone. They are the ones making decisions on war and peace.”

Further, in the Jerusalem post, one of Israels right-wing conservative newspapers, Nasrallah is quoted as stating that “After their war in Tamuz [Second Lebanon War], Israel is getting ready for a new war. I don’t mean to scare, but warn.” This further reinforces what was actually said, which clearly contradicts Stern's fallacious and illegitimate reference.

Perhaps Stern accidently mistranslated the speech; maybe, Haaretz should find a replacement to cover Arab affairs, one preferably skilled and fluent in the Arabic language, because, after all, the last time I checked, Arabs did speak Arabic.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Americans Stupid? I think Not!

Contrary to the popular opinion held by many outside the United States of America, Americans are not ignorant! What greatly worries me are those people in America who have the audacity to assume that we can be stupefied! I challenge them to think again, because America, the young thriving nation that in its youth rapidly ascended to the heights of power, and whose phenomenal achievements in many intellectual fields overshadowed the Ancient World can definitely not be the byproduct of ignorant minds.

Today however, and for several decades now, there are those who have congregated and rallied around a clandestine aim, and that is to hinder the progression of Americas free conscious. People who have made their sole aim the clouding of Americas reason through a carefully calculated process of intellectual genocide, the systemic eradication of free speech and expression in the United States.

The United States of America, once the bastion of free speech has been fed the poisonousness serum of falsehood, of lies, and is now the victim of exactly the opposite, a victim of intellectual repression. Once the breeding ground of patriots who gave their blood against tyranny in all its forms, their legacy has been tarnished by the actions of a neglectful few.

Day in and day out we hear the same illicit rhetoric, they are anti-semites, terrorist sympathizers, self-haters, and traitors. Libel, false accusation, call it whatever you desire, to me it is a poisoned edge thrust into the heart of this nations principle value, freedom. Americans are not stupid, we can see through your flimsy facade!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Israel Declares "Open War" Against Hezbollah

AIPAC - America's pro-Israel lobby that has successfully managed to stifle real debate in the United States on all Middle Eastern issues announced in it's online briefing that "Hezbollah declares 'open war' against Israel," which I quite frankly find hard to believe, after considering what they quote Hezbollah's secretary general, who they prefer to call Hezbollah's "chief", as saying:
Zionists, if you want this kind of open war, let the whole world listen: Let this war be open.
The declaration of open war was in fact not something Hezbollah initiated. Instead, the Israeli's declared it in a more disdainful and disrespectful manner! How?

It started with the bloody assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus, Syria. The nature of the assassination, in the heart of a country, foreign to the battleground that once confined the war between the Israeli's and Hezbollah is the blatant declaration of "open war" by the Israeli's on Hezbollah.

Consequently, Nasrallah's declaration is a response to Israel's escalation of violence, it's disrespect for international boundaries and the sovereignties of it's neighbors, which ultimately feeds into the further destabilization of an already volatile region.

AIPAC, notorious for imparting the false idea of Israel's victim hood in the minds of both American Jews and the American people goes on to further to state that,

as a result of Nasrallah’s threat, Israel ordered its military and embassies overseas on high alert and recommended that Jewish institutions worldwide do the same.

Instilling fear in the hearts of Jews worldwide and playing on the emotions of the American people, who definitely don't want to see any attacks in their dear country. AIPAC seeks sympathy and justification for Israel's actions, as she with her ill calculated actions continuously feeds the whirlwind of violence that is consuming the region.

Israel's own sons and daughters are speaking out against their government's policies; they are not genetically predisposed to hate or kill, yet they are forced, coerced, and pressured to do so, much like the minds of Americans are deceptively manipulated to support the committing of atrocious actions worldwide. Once a peep of resistance or nonconformity is heard, a hailstorm of condemnation and unjust accusations are fired at these voices, diminishing if not exterminating them. But Nay, the voices of what one man called "legitimate discontent" will be heard, and this silencing of truth will cease! America, the surrogate mother, must not distinguish between her sons, she must listen to and love them equally!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Syria to name Mughniyeh killer

It's amusing to read all of these theories explaining who killed Imad Mughniyeh. Interestingly enough, we read crazy ideas like "it was an inside job! the Syrians did it!" or "it was the Lebanese pro-government coalition!".

Mughniyeh was assassinated by the Israeli Mossad, like all other political leaders in Lebanon. To whom do these assassinations most benefit? As they say, divide and conquer. It is so sad to see the Lebanese point fingers at each other and Syria while they ignore the men behind the curtain. Why would Syria assassinate politicians while under the microscope of the U.N. security council? Strategically speaking, creating an alarm of international criticism and hate and rage within Lebanon towards your country wouldn't be the best way to undermine a foreign Lebanese government.

It excited me to hear that Walid al-Moualem, the Syrian foreign minister, says that Syria will soon name the killer of Mughniyeh. But then I realized something - it doesn't matter. Israel has been doing things like this for decades but they continually go without consequence because we've been brainwashed into thinking being Anti-Israel means you are Anti-Semitic.

We can't criticize the fragile Jewish state because she must defend herself from her destruction!
We should exempt Israel from international laws and Geneva conventions for the sake of her protection!

I pray that people will come to realize that Israel isn't the sheep surrounded by wolves - but that Israel is the wolf, and the Arabs in the region are held hostage to their destructive policies.
As a man proud of his Jewish heritage, I have love for all of God's children - whether they are Jews or Arabs - and I hope to change the world one person at a time.

We're Live...from Dearborn

So I hear there has been a big Bridge Card heist in the Metro-Detroit area. What does this mean for Arab-Americans? Chances are the blogosphere will soon be on fire with a flaming repudiation of Arabs, their questionable allegiances, and what they have been doing with the money they make from these scams. Well, let me be the first to declare Arabs are some of the hardest working Americans. So what does it mean if some Arabs have their hands dirty in this scam? In my opinion, it simply indicates Arabs are like any other group in this country. They are neither monolithic in act or belief and should never be generalized when something silly like this takes place.

Law enforcement officials, as usual, are attempting to yet again pin terrorist charges to a run of the mill fraud scam.

Agents from the FBI, Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Treasury assisted state and local agencies with the raids, which occurred around 11 a.m. Federal investigators are looking into the possibility that the money defrauded from the state might be funneled through the store owners and assisting organizations in the Middle East with ties to terrorism.“We look at this as a first step to see where this money is going,” said Bugbee, who mentioned the terrorist organization Hezbollah as a possible recipient of the money.

Once again, the presumptuousness of attention-seeking law enforcement officials will draw negative attention to this case and Arab Americans. Yet again the terrorism charges will certainly be proven false. Shouldn't law enforcement be playing down such allegations though? Why do they always pin these stupid terrorist charges which always pan out to be false? Shouldn't law enforcement know by now that some people just scam the system to make money?

Really, it's pretty ridiculous and I'm calling their bluff. There is an entire community which gets heat when something like this takes place and their presumptuousness does NOT help. Let the judicial system work. A spade is a spade. A scam is a scam. But a crook is not necessarily a terrorist.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Christian" Arsonists Burn Down Masjid

I put quotes in the title to make a point. If the event dealt with Muslims or Islam there would be no quotes, just your usual Islamophobic commentary or news.
The federal complaint filed against the men says Stone and Baker told officers they were members of the Christian Identity movement, an extreme doctrine that claims white Europeans are God's chosen people.
I received an update from the CAIR about the incident that happened a few days ago. Local churches are now starting to contribute.
Channel 4's news partners at the Columbia Daily Herald report that one church has already raised $10,000 to help rebuild the Islamic Center of Columbia.

Contribute Here

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cheap Ticket to Fame

"Khaalif Tu'ruf" - Oppose and you will be known, a famous ancient Arabic saying that holds much value even in this day. Simply put, if you desire fame, oppose the norm. Under the guise of defending freedom of speech, Danish quasi intellectuals decided to insult and poke their twigs at a phenomenal personality that is loved by about 1.6 billion human beings around the world. All of that they did simply to see their names and faces plastered on the tabloids.

Rather than approach a subject matter in an intellectual or ethical manner, appealing to the minds and hearts of people, these alleged defenders of intellectual freedom dig their spears even further into the heart of intellect. I ask, were these noble safeguards of freedom ignorant of the world’s reaction to the first allegedly ill-calculated assault, one that led to the death of many innocent people and the destruction of very valuable property. Apparently not. Obviously, they had and still have little regard for the sympathies, lives, and properties of others, as their selfish egoistic desire for self-recognition prompted them to supersede all human moral and ethical barriers by repeating the same dreadful episode.

A reference for the future generations to come, their names in history can be found under the following headings: "twits", "Islamophobes", "bigots", and "so-called intellectuals".

Imad Mughniyeh Assasinated!

This morning there is news that a top official in Hezballah, Imad Mughniyeh, was killed in the car bombing yesterday in Syria.

Let me guess what comes next; Right-Wing Zionist Debbie Schlussel is going to claim that he is related to half of Dearborn and one-quarter of Dearborn Heights.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Death of Mayor O'reilly Sr.

Here in Dearborn there was a service for the late mayor of Dearborn on Sunday. I had planned on attending but was caught up with some work. A number of Arab and Muslim leaders as well as a few of my friends attended the service. Within 14 months we have had 2 mayors pass away. Thats saying alot for a city that has had only 6 mayors since its consolidation with neighboring Fordson in 1929.

War Against Islam

One cannot overlook the War Against Islam by the Christian Right. I know. I know. You're gonna tell me don't speak like that or don't generalize. I'll give you that much but not an inch more. Also I am not specifying every last member but the leadership.

I was checking my email today and I found in my inbox the following article. Its about a few baboons claiming to be ex-Muslims. I'm sure you heard of them;

These men are frauds, but this is not the point. They are part of a dark and frightening war by the Christian right against tolerance that, in the moment of another catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil, would make it acceptable to target and persecute all Muslims, including the some 6 million Muslims who live in the United States.
This 'War on Error' is quickly targeting Islam and many innocent Muslims. That is not to say that people are not committing crimes in the name of Islam, but we must be sure not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why Dearborn?

Not many blogs accurately work to define Dearborn to the outside world. According to some it is just a cultural Arab capital working to live out the American dream. Others paint Dearborn as a terrorist haven plotting to overthrow the US government with the help of Hizballah. Furthermore others have victimized Arabs and Muslims in Dearborn to rile up Islamophobic feelings.

This blog will work to show Dearborn to the rest of the world and give in-depth commentary about this thriving city. No more right-wing punditry, scare tactics, liberal commentary, Zionist attacks, or media hoopla. All you need to know about Dearborn and its Muslim community. Right here.