Today however, and for several decades now, there are those who have congregated and rallied around a clandestine aim, and that is to hinder the progression of Americas free conscious. People who have made their sole aim the clouding of Americas reason through a carefully calculated process of intellectual genocide, the systemic eradication of free speech and expression in the United States.
The United States of America, once the bastion of free speech has been fed the poisonousness serum of falsehood, of lies, and is now the victim of exactly the opposite, a victim of intellectual repression. Once the breeding ground of patriots who gave their blood against tyranny in all its forms, their legacy has been tarnished by the actions of a neglectful few.
Day in and day out we hear the same illicit rhetoric, they are anti-semites, terrorist sympathizers, self-haters, and traitors. Libel, false accusation, call it whatever you desire, to me it is a poisoned edge thrust into the heart of this nations principle value, freedom. Americans are not stupid, we can see through your flimsy facade!
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