Last Friday, throngs of people gathered at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, some in solidarity with and others against, two political scientists, Professor John J. Mearsheimer and Professor Stephen Walt, who spoke on subject of the powerful American Pro-Israeli Lobby and its somewhat enchanting influence on both the public opinion and policy of the United States of America.
Honestly, I wasn't overly impressed with some of the opinions that the professors held at the close of the event; however, this does not make me neglectful and unappreciative of the admirable stance they took by speaking against the mighty Goliath that seems to have enslaved the will and minds of every influential mouthpiece in the public arena. In this meager contribution, I'll outline some of my opinions in regards to some of their thoughts.
First, let me begin with the 'infamous' question, that which concerns the existence of the state of Israel. The sacred unassailable paragon of democracy and justice that must never be questioned or subjected to anyones or any institutions analysis or oversight, because that is illicit, immoral and beyond the confines of decent and acceptable human behavior.
The professors affirmed their belief in the right of Israels existence, but also the existence of some form of Palestinian state, based on the UN partition plan, ignoring all the history and annexation that occurred before that ingenious plan was concocted. Hassan Nawash cleverly reminded the two professors that 35% of the Jews that lived at that time only owned 7% of the land before the partition, and that the problem lies in addressing why they deserve the lionshare of the land at the expense of the indigenous people, the Palestinians.
It seems that these professors, like many people who are somehow remotely detached from humanity and that are too engrossed with themselves, or a purely superficial reality, theoretical conjecture, or ink blotted papers, forget the nature of human beings, and the essence of the human spirit that simply doesn't submit its mind to simple promises or logical, flawed subjective plans, all that don't serve to remedy the ailments of peoples hearts, and serve to preserve their dignity, honor, and true justice, the true objective reality that exists on the scene of this conflict.
When will 'experts' learn that ideas such as 'land for peace', and other frail solutions will not and cannot ever solve the problem that exists. That a material promise cannot solve an immaterial problem, that gold cannot buy the collective consciousness of a people, or heal the countless wounds instilled through time.
Those few who spoke of challenging Israels right to exist, rightfully engaged in something that is permitted in any country or land in which a governing body governs the inhabitants of a land, and such an argument is not exclusive for Israel. If in America for instance, the government acts to oppress the people which it governs, then naturally, the people who gave the government its legitimacy, have a just right to demand that their rights be respected, and have the right to hold those that infringed on their rights accountable.
An apartheid state, must not exist in its apartheid nature - that doesn't entail the eradication of the Afrikaner population, and similarly, the dissolving of Israel in its current illegitimate form doesn't entail the eradication and destruction of the Jewish population. It does however include the elimination of a problem that has existed for six decades, the erasing of Palestine and the Palestinians off the map, minds, and hearts of humankind, a sentence, which the entire world doesn't feel or think is reprehensible.
I don't expect six hundred words to be sufficient enough to awaken the consciousness of the world, and that is why I implore every reader who takes a glance at my words, or anyones words, regardless of ones predisposition towards the issue being discussed, to investigate with an objective mind to seek the truth. It is not easy, it does appear to be gray, but believe me, even if you don't believe that causality is absolutely true, every effect has some reasonable cause, therefore, don't distract yourself with the effect, and shift your gaze and peer at the root cause, that which must be addressed.