Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why Nader is Important

Today Ralph Nader appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" and declared his candidacy for the presidency of the United States.

I must admit I'm a bit excited as it seems all the principled candidates seem to be all but off the radar for now. So some of you are thinking, "Hey isn't the media telling me that I should hate Ralph Nader since he was the spoiler in the 2000 election?"

Although Nader discussed that issue during his interview which I urge you all to watch, that question is exactly what the big parties want you to think. The truth is Al Gore, not Nader, lost himself the 2000 election for a variety of reasons. It seems the progressive and substantive Gore only came out after his advisers stopped choreographing when he would have a bowel movement. Anyway, Gore stands for a lot more now than he did in 2000 (remember his neo-con VP?)

Why Nader and not Barack?

Obama is also shunning any progressive approach to foreign policy concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For example, in his letter to the UN ambassador he endorsed the destruction and siege of Gaza. Even the Bush administration has privately raised some concern over the starvation of Gaza. But anyway, decide for yourself, here's the link to the actual letter (Nader alluded to this today in his interview with Russert)

What about domestic issues? As many of you know Nader has spent his entire life as a consumer rights advocate and is best fit to fight the ferocious onslaught of corporate control over our daily lives. I'm not endorsing Nader at this point, but instead just telling you why he's the man. As the democrats begin to stifle debate and democracy, just keep in mind how important third parties have been throughout US history particularly in abolishing slavery, giving women the right to vote, and numerous other important advances in our country.

Also consider the fact that the Democrats have done NOTHING since taking control of both houses of congress. Remember all that fancy talk of ending that war they seem to have forgotten know that one in Iraq? As the democratic congress busies itself with USELESS hearings on the usage of drugs in baseball, we must remember that there are real issues out there not being addressed by either party.

Decide yourself:

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