To me, the only discordant voice is that which emanates from William Kristol and his likes. These producers of white noise are but ignominious individuals that disgrace the very tenants of humanity.
Lets begin by defining a well known term, terrorist. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a terrorist refers to an individual “who attempts to further his views by a system of coercive intimidation.” This description more often than not is attributed to people of dark complexion, stubby beards, loud voices, and hairy noses. Additionally, constant genuflectors, mosque visitors, scholars, students, parents, children, and people with the name “Akhmed” should be added to the mix. Sadly, that term is often used to unjustly deprecate innocent humans, when it should be used to label those who procure it!
Kristol, is an insurgent that has decided to rebel against the standards of morality by promoting the likes of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, a prominent Russian terrorist. Jabotinsky, a founder and leader of the militant Zionist group, Irgun, is responsible for a countless number of terrorist attacks against the indigenous Arab population of
This policy of “active retaliation” is the legacy of brutality that is necessary for at which is executed by so-called men of peace like Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert. It is this inhumane and reckless policy that cost the lives of 1,191 Lebanese civilians in
It’s about time to discuss a pragmatic solution to the ailments of the region, and William Kristol’s caustic writing and immoral support for known terrorists, along with the
The miraculous redemption of the Jewish people is a myth fabricated by a Zionist political movement that attained and sustains power at the expense of very valuable blood and the lives of innocence, both Arabic and Jewish. It is justified by
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